Yamada Ryosuke

JUMP Press (Latest Condition)
Now, I’m in DIET!
I eat tough food from morning until afternoon, I won’t eat after passing 6.00 p.m, that is intense enough. I just eat Soumen (fine white noodles) or food with low calories.

Яма-чан на диете О___О мир перевернулся

Okamoto Keito

Shirt from England period!
Until now, the shirt that I wear when I was attended school in England is still become my important thing. When elementary school’s graduation, there are some students that will come back to Japan too, everyone write their autograph in my shirt in commemoration day. Until now, once a while, I like to take out that shirt, it always remembered me with those days. Then, the sofa in my home is my important place for me. The most relaxed place for me, it’s too comfort, because of that, I like to sleep there until morning even though it’s a bit dangerous (laugh). Of course, if I speak about the most important existence, it’s JUMP’s members. Because we always together, I feel we like a family. Recently, we have been understood the other members’ mood with see their facial expression only. Our relationship is more than friendship, but maybe it’s like lover-relationship (laugh).

футболка с автографами одноклассников ** это так мило
а вот lover-relationship меня настораживает >_> не ожидала такого от Кейто

что-то в этот раз у kenken18 совсем английский плохо вышел -___-''